5 Rs to Finding Hidden $ in Your Biz

Before you spend money on your next




First, I want you to write down the amount you charge or make per hour. Keep this handy because I’m about to share with you my 5 Rs for finding hidden money in your business.

REFOCUS on the priorities you set in your strategic planning and weekly planning so you can stop wasting time and money being out of alignment. Focusing on too many things causes you to multitask, and contrary to popular belief – multitasking is counterproductive. According to an article in Forbes, multitasking exposes you to distractions that can take up to 546 hours per year.

Multiply that times your hourly rate and tell me how much you’re losing! 🥴

Take a look at your systems and REFINE what isn’t working or isn’t needed. Unneeded steps mean you’re doing more work and spending less time on other revenue generating things. I once saved a company $100k annually (or 2500 hours) just by leaning out one process! Oh, and forgotten steps can cost you even more money.

REVIEW how, or even if, you’re planning within your business. It’s easy to unconsciously spend time and money on distractions and ‘new shiny things’. Thousands of dollars are lost each year due to lack of planning. For every minute spent on planning, you save 10 minutes in implementing. (60 minutes = 10 hours, Multiply that) Spend less time spinning your wheels and more time executing by having a plan in place that keeps you focused and on target.

Take a look at your metrics and measures on a regular basis so you know where to READJUST your priorities and plans. Your data will tell you how you’re performing, where to focus, what you should stop doing and what’s working.

REMEMBER. Don’t forget what you laid out in your policies, processes and procedures. Maybe you planned for your client engagement to be 3 months but it took 4. What happened that caused you extra time? Was a step missed that caused you to go longer? Maybe you weren’t listening to your data which told you it would take longer. If you spend say 10 hours a week with your clients, this is an extra 40 – ADD THAT UP!

You’ve likely wasted or missed thousands of dollars because of one of these but you don’t have to do that from this point forward. You want to get Revealing the Hidden Money in Your Business and reveal more ways to find money. It’s your secret to more profitable operations. Get instant access to this free resource today at revealthemoney.com